A2 Ghee

Product Essentials

A2 Ghee, Gir Cow Ghee
Rich in Nutrients, Minerals, Vitamins, and Anti-Oxidants, and good for Children's Mental Health and immunity
250 gm - 1000 gm

6781600 (-11%)

Sold by: Saagira

A2 Ghee is an Indian clarified butter that is rich in nutritional value. Our A2 Ghee is sourced from desi cows like gir, saahiwal, and rathi. These cows are raised in our farm land and the ghee is made in a traditional manner.

This ghee is a great source of essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and E. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

It will play a vital role in building the kids immune, brain development & healthy body.

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6781600 (-11%)



A2 Ghee Benefits & Nutrition Facts

A2 Ghee nutrition facts

A2 Gir, Saahiwal & Rathi Cow’s Ghee has essential macro and micro nutrients that fulfills the daily dietary requirement of the body. It is a rich source of antioxidants and vital vitamins like Vitamin B2, B12, B6, C, E, and K, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and healthy amino acids.

Nourishes the body

Whether applied externally or taken internally, A2 Ghee nourishes and lubricates body tissues. According to Ayurveda, drinking ghee in the morning on an empty stomach treats the body like rasa, which is a major source of nutrition for cells in the body and improves the process of cell rejuvenation.

Enhances digestion & absorption

A2 Ghee stimulates the secretion of digestive acids in the stomach that help break down food. It also helps remove toxins and promotes elimination, thus improving digestive quality. It also increases the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat.

Increases immunity

Around 80% of your immunity depends on your gut health.  A2 ghee improves gut health thereby it also helps boost immunity and detoxify the body. This immunity-boosting food also packs a powerful combo of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that makes it extremely difficult for diseases to thrive.

Good for heart health

Although most people associate Ghee with fat and a decline in heart health, the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in A2 ghee lowers cholesterol level and provide a healthy boost to the heart.

Improves brain function

Regular consumption of A2 Ghee nourishes the brain and nervous system and enhances the cognitive functioning of a person. It helps increase memory, intellect and concentration power.

Bone health

A2 Ghee helps reduce inflammation thereby it helps prevent bone degeneration and keeps your bones strong. It can be consumed regularly or used for body massage for the lubrication of joints and reduce joint pains.

Vital nutrition for kids

A2 ghee for babies is essential due to its superior quality and nutrition content. It is a vital energy source for growing kids. It helps in increasing memory and brainpower and reduces the risk of neurological problems like ADHD due to the presence of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Heals & moisturizes the skin

A2 Ghee, when applied on dry or even burnt skin, renders a soothing effect and can treat different skin ailments. Even dry and chapped lips can be made smooth and soft by applying ghee on them. Consuming A2 Ghee with milk at night makes hair and skin healthy.

Healthy substitute for cooking oil

A2 Ghee has a smoke point of around 450°F that is higher than most vegetable oils and butter. Therefore, when cooking at very high temperatures, ghee does not release toxic fumes and retains the nutritional elements of the food.

The best part about ghee is that it not only makes you healthy from within but it also enhances the taste of any dish you put it in!


Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 15 cm

250 gm, 500 gm

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